Health promotion in enterprises counteracting the consequences of workforce ageing. How does it differ from interventions in other companies and what kind of barriers does it face?
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Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. J. Nofera / Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine, Łódź, Poland
(Krajowe Centrum Promocji Zdrowia w Miejscu Pracy / National Centre of Workplace Health Promotion)
Online publication date: 2020-03-20
Corresponding author
Eliza Goszczyńska
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. J. Nofera,
Krajowe Centrum Promocji Zdrowia w Miejscu Pracy, ul. św. Teresy 8, 91-348 Łódź
Med Pr Work Health Saf. 2020;71(3):289-307
Background: The aim of the article is to address the question of whether companies implementing personnel’s health promotion
to counteract the consequences of workforce ageing differ in their health-related activities from enterprises not having such a motivation.
The analyzed differences concern the frequency of implementing and evaluating selected health promotion interventions,
assessing employees’ health needs and expectations, managers’ interest in population ageing, and other motives of health promotion
implementation. Moreover, obstacles to health promotion in the context of ageing are analyzed. Directions of supporting enterprises
in diminishing the consequences of this demographic process via health promotion are recommended. Material and Methods: Quantitative analysis: standardized computer-assisted personal interviews with representatives of management boards (October–
November 2017). Sample: 940 companies from Poland implementing health promotion activities (including 424 organizations willing przedsięwzięto
counteract the consequences of workforce ageing), selected from a representative sample of 1000 enterprises employing ≥50 people.
Qualitative analysis: focus groups interviews (FGIs) with employers concerning their attitudes to managing personnel’s health in
the context of population ageing (March 2017). Sample: 64 respondents in 8 FGIs. Results: Companies promoting employees’ health
to diminish the consequences of workforce ageing more often implement and evaluate most workplace health-related activities,
and provide more reasons for promoting personnel’s health. Their managers are more often interested in the issue of demographic
changes, and they less frequently complain about the obstacles of health promotion implementation. Major obstacles are employers’
reluctance or impossibility to pay for health promotion, low managers’ awareness/know-how concerning health promotion, insufficient
human and infrastructure resources, unfavorable employees’ attitudes, and disadvantageous legal/fiscal issues. Conclusions: Companies’ willingness to counteract implications of personnel’s ageing is conducive to their engagement in health promotion. The
dissemination/intensification of workplace health-oriented activities, which fosters minimizing the consequences of demographic
changes, requires increasing employers’ interest in the issue of population ageing and health promotion as a tool of coping with this
problem, facilitating gaining the knowledge of workplace health promotion management by companies’ representatives, and diminishing
legislative/fiscal barriers to the implementation of workplace health-related activities. Med Pr. 2020;71(3):289–307