Occupational exposure in orthopedic procedures under fluoroscopic control
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Uniwersytecki Szpital Kliniczny im. Wojskowej Akademii Medycznej – Centralny Szpital Weteranów / University Clinical Hospital Military Memorial Medical Academy – Central Veterans’ Hospital, Łódź, Poland (Klinika Ortopedii, Traumatologii i Rehabilitacji Pourazowej / Clinic of Orthopedy, Traumatology and Traumatic Rehabilitation)
Instytutu Fizyki Jądrowej im. Henryka Niewodniczańskiego Polskiej Akademii Nauk / The Henryk Niewodniczański Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland (Laboratorium Dozymetrii Indywidualnej i Środowiskowej / Laboratory of Individual and Environmental Dosimetry)
Uniwersytet Medyczny w Łodzi / Medical University of Lodz, Łódź, Poland (Wydział Nauk Biomedycznych i Kształcenia Podyplomowego, Zakład Medycznych Technik Obrazowania / Faculty of Biomedical Sciences and Postgraduate Education, Department of Medical Imaging Techniques)
Online publication date: 2017-03-07
Corresponding author
Maria A. Staniszewska   

Uniwersytet Medyczny w Łodzi, Wydział Nauk Biomedycznych i Kształcenia Podyplomowego, Zakład Medycznych Technik Obrazowania, ul. Lindleya 6, 90-131
Med Pr Work Health Saf. 2017;68(2):221-7
Background: In interventional radiology the highest radiation doses are usually recorded for both the medical staff and the patients. Interventional procedures with X-rays are implemented in a number of medical specializations. This paper concerns the exposure of interventional teams performing orthopedic procedures under X-rays control. Material and Methods: Doses for interventional teams were measured in the 3 Łódź hospitals. Thermoluminescent dosemeters were applied to measure the following dose equivalents: Hp(3) for eye lens, Hp(0.07) for palm skin, Hp(10) at the level of the neck without a protective shield (i.e., collar) and Hp(10) for the whole body on the front surface of the trunk (measured under the protective apron at the level of the chest). Results: Doses for the operator who performs surgery, assisting physicians and scrub nurse were measured during 95 procedures. The highest doses were received by the operator the dose for eyes per 1 procedure did not exceed 0.1 mSv, the highest dose for hands was 1.6 mSv and the highest recorded effective dose was 0.02 mSv. Conclusions: On the basis of the results of measurements and their comparison with the values reported in the literature it may be concluded that the obtained results fall within the published reference range (for non-vascular procedures). This proves the compatibility of practice in the monitored Łódź hospitals with routine methodology applied in other interventional departments. The measurement results confirm that the usage of thermoluminescent dosimetry is fully adequate for the evaluation of exposure in interventional radiology and that the usage of at least 2 dosemeters for that staff is necessary. Med Pr 2017;68(2):221–227
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