Evaluation of the impact of sagittal spinal curvatures on musculoskeletal disorders in young people
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Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego im. Jerzego Kukuczki w Katowicach / The Jerzy Kukuczka Academy of Physical Education in Katowice, Katowice, Poland (Zakład Specjalnej Edukacji Fizycznej / Department of Special Physical Education)
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach / University of Economics in Katowice, Katowice, Poland (Centrum Wychowania Fizycznego i Sportu / The Physical Education and Sports Center)
Certyfikowana Klinika McKenzie w Tychach / Certified McKenzie Clinic, Tychy, Poland
Online publication date: 2017-09-20
Corresponding author
Anna Zwierzchowska   

Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego im. Jerzego Kukuczki w Katowicach, Zakład Specjalnej Edukacji Fizycznej, ul. Mikołowska 72A, 40-066 Katowice
Med Pr Work Health Saf. 2018;69(1):29-36
Background: In Poland, about 85% of the population report low back pain (LBP) symptoms overall. Moreover, 70–80% of people aged below 20 have already experienced back pain. The primary cause of LBP is the loss of spinal lordosis, which initiates changes in geometry of the spine and has impact on limb arrangement. The aim of the study was to attempt to verify the relationship between the 2 main curvatures of the spine and its relation to symptoms in different parts of the musculoskeletal system, in a group of adults. It was assumed that hyperlordosis of the lumbar spine and misbalance of the thoraco-lumbar junction are risk factors for LBP. Material and Methods: The study coverd 231 first-year students, (aged 19–21) of the University of Economics in Katowice. There were 103 men aged 19.5±0.8 years and 128 women aged 19.6±0.8 years. The students completed the Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire (NMQ): 7 days (NMQ7) and 6 months (NMQ6). A Rippstein’s plurimeter, was used to measure the angles of thoracic kyphosis (KTH) and lumbar lordosis (KLL). Cut of points was set at 30±5. Results: The results indicate strong and very strong correlation (r = 0.6 and r = 0.8, p < 0.05) between the concave of the back and LBP, which may suggest the relationship between these symptoms and the increased lordosis. Conclusions: Postural defects in the sagittal plane may predict the occurrence of pain. The results of the study indicate a higher frequency of pain in people with a higher angle of lumbar lordosis. Med Pr 2018;69(1):29–36
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