Anxiety disorders and mood disorders in hospital doctors: a literature review
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Teaching Hospital of Brest, Brest, France (Occupational Medicine Unit)
University of Western Brittany, Brest, France (Victor Segalen Faculty of Letters and Social Sciences, Laboratory for Research and Studies in Sociology)
University of Western Brittany, Brest, France (Department of Preventive Medicine and Health Promotion)
Clermont-Tonnerre Armed Forces Teaching Hospital, Brest, France (Laboratory of Medical Biology)
University of Western Brittany, Brest, France (Faculty of Health, Host-Pathogen Interaction Group)
Online publication date: 2020-12-31
Corresponding author
Richard Pougnet
Teaching Hospital of Brest, Occupational Medicine Unit, Av. Foch 2, 29200 Brest, France
Med Pr Work Health Saf. 2021;72(2):163-71
This paper is focused on mental health among hospital doctors. This is a review of the literature dated January 1, 2005–December 31, 2019, from the MedLine and Scopus databases. The prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder and anxiety disorders ranged 2.2–14.6% and 10.5–19.3%, respectively. Several risk factors were significant, such as having had blood exposure accidents, or the interaction between family and work life. The prevalence of mood disorders ranged 7.8–48%. Occupational constraints, such as night work or psychological demand, were related to the presence of mood disorders. This literature review showed the prevalence of disorders that can be reactive at work in hospital doctors. The risk factors studied can guide prevention policies within hospitals. Med Pr. 2021;72(2):163–71