A job crafting measure: psychometric properties of the Polish version of the Job Crafting Scale
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SWPS Uniwersytet Humanistycznospołeczny / SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Warsaw, Poland
(Wydział Psychologii / Faculty of Psychology)
Uniwersytet Kolorado / University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, USA
(Centrum Badań nad Traumą, Zdrowiem i Zagrożeniami / Trauma, Health, and Hazards Center)
Online publication date: 2019-07-05
Corresponding author
Anna Rogala
SWPS Uniwersytet Humanistycznospołeczny, Wydział Psychologii, ul. Chodakowska 19/31, 03-815 Warszawa
Med Pr Work Health Saf. 2019;70(4):445-57
Background: The interest among researchers and practitioners in job crafting has been growing for the last dozen of years. Job crafting
refers to behaviors that employees engage in to align aspects of their jobs with their own skills and needs. The aim of this paper was to
analyze psychometric properties of the Polish version of a job crafting measure – the Job Crafting Scale (JCS). Material and Methods: The original JCS consists of 21 items and has 4 subscales: Increasing Structural Job Resources, Increasing Social Job Resources, Increasing
Challenging Job Demands, and Decreasing Hindering Job Demands. Confirmatory factor analysis, internal consistency analysis, theoretical
validity analysis and test–retest stability analysis were carried out among 249 white collar workers who use information and
communication technology (ICT) in their daily work. Multigroup confirmatory factor analysis and invariance test were carried out
among 228 white collar workers using ICT and additionally working in a team for most of the week. Results: The Polish version of the
JCS displays satisfactory internal consistency, theoretical validity, and test–retest stability. The results of the confirmatory factor analysis
showed a 4-dimensional structure of the JCS. Four items were excluded from the Polish version of the JCS because of low factor
loadings. The results of invariance test showed that factor loadings were invariant across groups. Conclusions: The Polish version of
the JCS consists of 17 items and – like the original scale – has 4 subscales. Additional studies are recommended to confirm the internal
structure of the JCS and measurement invariance across different occupational groups. Med Pr. 2019;70(4):445–57